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Kenyan Specialty Tea

An exceptional collection of both familiar and hard-to-find Kenyan Purple tea, Green tea, and Black tea flavoured blends that lead to better living and well-being especially for times like these.

As teas have only continued to grow in popularity over the centuries, so have they continued to be refined in quality.

Well known for producing high quality CTC tea, because of high-yielding quality cloned bushes, Kenyan producers have begun to tap into other varieties to meet demand for outstanding brews to the world of tea.

Although we cater to all taste buds, we particularly love specialty teas because we recognise the benefit of helping people regain control of what they put in their bodies.

Unfortunately “there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it”.


With only a limited number of factories engaged in this newly adopted manufacturing process of specialty and orthodox teas, the quantities are still relatively small.

We take extra pride in partnering with a few of these dedicated and
rare small tea farmers to provide unique teas to a few of our specialty tea customers.

specialty tea Kenya

Who you are

An experienced tea buyer or beginner

Your Requirements

To meet current and future business goals

Type of Tea

Quality Kenyan tea for any occasion

Kenyan Purple Tea

Kenyan tea has gained an advantage in a competitive global tea market with a special type of tea found mostly in the colder Mount Kenya and Nandi Hills regions. 
Unlike other types of tea, the leaves of this new varietal are purple and when brewed, the liquor has a light, to dark purple hue.

First discovered growing wild in Assam, India, the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya (TRFK) established a special clone and introduced it to the Tea World as Purple Tea.

With high levels of anthocyanins, the same antioxidants that give colour to foods like berries, grapes, and aubergine, the leaf has a unique type of micronutrients, leading to numerous purple tea health benefits including generally desired healthy weight loss and weight management. 

Kenyan purple tea is processed in limited quantities enabling premium prices for small-scale farmers due to the demand in the world market.

To keep the optimal taste and aroma, the tea can be packed and
branded in a wide range of recyclable stand up (Kraft paper) pouches.

Kenyan Green Tea

Just like purple tea, Green teas are strictly seasonal to achieve the best quality and produced in small quantities for specialized markets. 

In the preparation of green tea, the tea leaves are quickly dried after harvest by steaming to minimize the moisture that would turn the green leaves brown and alter their fresh-picked flavour.


Some of the benefits highlighted for consumers as benefits of drinking green tea include:

  • Increase of metabolism leading to weight Loss

  • Improved ratio of good cholesterol in the blood

  • Increase of metabolism leading to Weight Loss

  • Relaxing effect found in theanine an amino acid reduce stress, anxiety, and depression

  • Glowing skin by reducing signs of aging due to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.

By skipping fermentation, our green teas vary in characteristics from a bright green, strong rich bodied cup, pungent in taste to the other extreme of a pale yellow liquor with a refreshing delicate floral taste.

Quality by Well-being

What is health worth to you? Priceless. Now more than ever,
consumers – that includes you and I - are afraid, vulnerable and
stressed about their health. What better way than to offer them
varieties of tea, proven to be some of the healthiest beverages on
the planet, backed by science?

Samples available upon request.

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71 - 75 Shelton Street

Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ



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