Few drinks offer the variety of flavours and distinctive cultural practices as tea.
Join us as we take a journey through how tea is enjoyed around the world, with insights from Food Insider's fascinating video.

Tea Around the World: A Journey of Culture and Connection
Tea's journey began in China, where it was initially used for medicinal purposes before evolving into a symbol of sophistication and tranquility. As tea spread to other regions, each culture adapted it to local tastes and traditions. For instance, Japanese tea ceremonies emphasize mindfulness and aesthetics, while British afternoon tea focuses on relaxation and socializing.
In Taiwan, bubble tea has become a trendy phenomenon, captivating the younger generation with its sweet flavours and chewy tapioca pearls. Meanwhile, in Argentina, yerba mate is not just a drink but a social ritual that involves sharing a gourd of tea among friends and family.
Throughout history, tea has evolved beyond being a simple drink, becoming a crucial element of cultural identity and heritage worldwide. Today, it continues to unite people, providing moments of pause and connection in our fast-paced lives.
Let's take a look at some of the unique tea traditions from around the globe.
0:26 China - Pu'er Tea - (pronounced POO-air). A variety of fermented tea produced in Yunnan Province. Typically sold as compressed cakes and like wine best enjoyed slowly and in small sips.
0:55 Argentina - Yerba Mate - Caffeine-loaded tea traditionally prepared in a gourd (calabash) for guests to share by drinking through a "bombilla" - a metal straw made from silver, copper, or stainless steel.
1:13 South Africa - Rooibos - (pronounced "Roy Boss") - Means “red bush” in Afrikaans. A caffeine-free, medicinal herb from a bush plant exclusively found in South Africa. Vibrant red in colour when brewed and is bitter in taste.
1:38 Taiwan - Bubble Tea - Created in the '80s and recently grown in popularity due to social media influence. Combines a base of milk tea, sweetener, bubbles (small balls made from tapioca or fruit jelly), and ice vigorously shaken together to produce an attractive rich silky texture.
2:09 Morocco - Maghrebi Mint Tea - A combination of green tea, mint leaves and a generous amount of sugar. Served 3 times to guests. Each time the flavor varies slightly. Per the proverb: "The first glass is as gentle as life, the second is as strong as love, the third is as bitter as death." Refusing any one of these servings is considered the height of rudeness.
2:45 Canada - London fog - Made by combining sweetened earl grey tea with some steamed milk and vanilla syrup. A comfort beverage especially on cold rainy days.
3:07 South Korea - Omija-cha - Meaning 5-flavour berry - sweet, salty, sour, bitter and pungent. Used for medicinal purposes such as lowering blood pressure and detoxification. Also popular as base for fruit punch, sweetened with honey or sugar.
3:36 Turkey - Çay - As the top consumers of tea across the world, Çay is a staple upon which the Turkish societal system functions. Served in small tulip-shaped glasses to showcase the rich mahogany colour, Çay can be an ice breaker and serves as a great equalizer of men.
3:57 India - Masala Chai - Combines black tea with aromatic spices like cardamom, ground cloves, cinnamon, ground ginger, black peppercorn, milk, and sugar. Has become widely popular outside of India and influenced other tea-drinking cultures such as Kenya.
4:24 Japan - Matcha - Created by grinding young tea leaves into powder. Strong in caffeine and presented in Japanese culture through a tea ceremony known as Chanoyu. Beyond just serving and drinking tea, one of the main purposes of the tea ceremony is for the guests to enjoy the hospitality of the host in an atmosphere distinct from the fast pace of everyday life.
5:15 UK - English Breakfast - A traditional blend of black teas originating from India, Sri Lanka and Kenyan tea predominating. Usually described as full-bodied, robust, rich, and blended to go well with milk and sugar, in a style traditionally associated with a hearty protein fillled English breakfast that includes fried eggs, sausages, bacon, baked beans, and toast.
5:40 Egypt - Karkade - Characterised as a herbal tea made from dried hibiscus flower petals. Given the hibiscus flower grows readily in the hot climate, it's the one drink Egyptians always count on for a refreshing thirst-quenching effect. Also used as a substitute for alcoholic beverages in a predominantly Islamic society.
6:03 Hong Kong - Silk stocking tea - Originates from the appearance of the sackcloth tea leaf filter bag. Silk stocking' style milk tea is a uniquely Hong Kong phenomenon; influenced by British colonial tea habits - it is a black tea sweetened with sugar and served with evaporated milk.
6:24 Thailand - Cha Yen - A staple Thai street drink and similar to Hong Kong's silk stocking tea. A delicious and refreshing drink made from Thai tea (blend of black tea and spices), sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, and sugar. Can also be served hot. But without ice, it's known as cha nom ron which translates to hot milk tea ('nom' means milk, 'ron' means hot, while 'yen' means cold or iced in Thai).
6:52 US - Arnold Palmer - also referred to as Arnold Palmer Iced Tea and Sweet Tea) is a simple blend of iced tea and lemonade. It’s delicious and refreshing and makes a fun non-alcoholic drink to serve during warm summer months. Named after a famous pro golfer (Arnold Palmer) who used to order a mixture of iced tea with lemonade at golf clubs.
7:26 Iran - Persian tea - Iranians story of drinking tea is not limited to mornings with breakfast only; they drink tea at work, after their meals at home, or at night before sleep. So constant is tea's presence in Iranians' lives that its kettle will be kept on a stove burner all day. Rather than mixing in sugar to counteract the bitterness, you're encouraged to place a sugar cube between your front teeth and suck the strong brew through it.
7:44 Tibet - Po Cha - Tibetans drink tea in several ways: the most well-known is the buttered tea. Yak Butter, milk, and salt are added to brewed tea and churned to form a hot drink called Po cha. While stirring it some Tibetans add egg or walnut.
Tea Time in Kenya: A Cultural Staple
In Kenya, black tea is the main export, with only about 5% consumed locally. Despite this, tea remains a staple for many demographics. Influenced by British customs, "teatime" in Kenya involves serving tea at multiple times throughout the day.
Kenyan tea is often prepared in the style of Indian chai, with loose tea, milk, and sugar. It's brewed in a pot until a thick foam forms and is enjoyed with snacks such as mandazi (fried bread), chapati (flatbread), or plain bread.
Ready for a tea adventure of your own?